===check the printing quota=== lpquota ===convert tif to eps and pdf=== convert -compress zip IMAGE.tif eps2:IMAGE.eps//this gives compressed version tiff2ps -e figS5d.tif > figS5d.eps//the output can be very large epstopdf figS5a.eps >figS5a.pdf ===convert pdf to tiff=== gs -dNOPAUSE -q -r<resolution> -sDEVICE=tiff12nc(for color) -dBATCH -sOutputFile=Zuo-cssp.tiff Zuo-cssp.pdf === Merge Mappability Files === <code> cd ... for chr in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y; do awk -v i=$chr '{print "chr"i"\t"$1"\t"$2}' "chr"$chr"_fragL200_bin200.txt" > "/scratch/czuo/power/example/chr"$chr"_tmp.txt" done cd /scratch/czuo/power/example/ rm -f hg19_map.txt cat chr*_tmp.txt > hg19_map.txt rm -f chr*_tmp.txt </code> === Subsampling with Loop === <code> for ((i=1;i<11;i=i+1)) do for ((j=0;j<=19;j++)) do valc=$((i*2000+j)) # valt1=$((valc + 100)) valt2=$((valc + 200)) prob=$(echo "scale=2;$i/50"|bc) perl random_sampling.pl $valc $prob run62_WT-O2_B_Input_32bp_eland_Umatch.txt #perl random_sampling.pl $valt1 $prob run62_Fnr_IP_32bp_eland_Umatch.txt perl random_sampling.pl $valt2 $prob run101_Fnr_IP_32bp_eland_Umatch.txt done done </code>