[[Build An R Package]] ===Bioconductor=== <code> source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite([package name]) </code> ===Venn Diagram=== <code> library(VennDiagram) venn.diagram(x=list(A=which(c3[,1]==1),B=which(c3[,2]==1),C=which(c3[,3]==1)),filename="file_dir",height=4,width=4,units="in",category.names=[vector of the name of the classes],cex=2,cat.cex=[category text size]]) </code> ===Dynamic Scoping=== Environments in R: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Environments.html Summary: - Binding environment: how to find the function, where(), package environment. - Enclosing environment: how the function finds values, environment(), namespace environment. - Execution environment: environment to host execution. - Calling environment: where the function is called, parent.frame(). Applications: <code> MomentEstimate <- function() { ## inherit variables from the calling environment for(v in c("m1", "m2", "Mu", "Sigma", "family", "s")) { assign(v, parent.frame()[[v]]) } ## ... codes here ... ## push the updated values to the calling environment assign("Mu", Mu, envir = parent.frame()) assign("Sigma", Sigma, envir = parent.frame()) } </code> ===Commandline input=== In the file: commandlineArgs(TRUE) val <- args[[1]] var2 <- as.character(args[[2]]) In the commandline: R CMD BATCH "--args 0.05 test" file.R file.Rout ===Put an expression in figure label=== Include a variable "lambdapr": ..., main = bquote(paste("Sil_Y, ", lambda[p] / lambda[w]== .(lambdapr))), ... Otherwise ..., main = expression(lambda[p] %/% lambda[w] == 1), ...